Watch our interview with esteemed whisky writer Dave Broom where he talks about building flavour from the barley field. Working with local crofters, we have successfully grown and harvested barley in a nearby field, the first time that barley has been grown on Raasay in over 40 years. Watch this space for some very special...Read More
May brought us some absolutely fantastic weather here on Raasay, great for visitors to the distillery but also for our barley trials. We are working with local farmer Andrew Gillies to establish varieties of barley to grow here on the island, and he’s been busy ploughing, harrowing and sowing the seeds for our 2019 trials....Read More
As distillation at Raasay Distillery has started, we felt it was a good time to talk about each part of the whisky making process, starting with Malting and Mashing, as these are some of the least talked about parts of the stages, yet certainly not the least important. At Raasay Distillery we get the majority...Read More